What you see is what you get. Planned on playing nids but ended up going with another army. Two box sets of Warhammer 40K Leviathan tyranids minus one screamer killer and one psychophage models which are not included. Added or enough extra rippers to make both of the ripper models included with leviathan useable (they dont give enough. Cheapest way to get theses models online . I normally ship within 2 to 3 days. Models will be secured in bubble wrap in box which will be secured in secondary shipping box . Please note models are plastic and may require minor repairs after shipping not all models are glued and gluing is required. Please ask any questions before buying Included is the leviathan box, three papers shown , instructions 6x ripper swarms 1x psychophage 1x screamer killer 40x terrmagaunts 22x nerogaunts 2x neurotyrants 4x neruoloids 10x barbgaunts 2x tyranid prime 6x von ryans leapers